As if it couldn't get worse :) - Reisverslag uit Rotorua, Nieuw Zeeland van Ana Laura Schoorl - As if it couldn't get worse :) - Reisverslag uit Rotorua, Nieuw Zeeland van Ana Laura Schoorl -

As if it couldn't get worse :)

Door: Ana Laura

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ana Laura

22 November 2013 | Nieuw Zeeland, Rotorua

So here is my report since the accident. After my first operation where they put screws into my mouth I had 3 weeks of just continuing what i was doing. My bone was healing because i could feel my bite getting stronger. I had to get a scan at the hospital in Rotorua and had an appointment later that week at the hospital in Hamilton. So last wednesday i went to that hospital again and i looked a lot better than the last time that i was there. Even the receptionists recognized me and told me i looked a lot better. My wounds were healing really quickly. However talking to the doctor they showed me my scan of my jaw. Not only was it fractured in the most impossible way (literally 90 degrees bent) it was also dislocated. I needed another surgery and the minute i heard that i just busted out in tears, not because i needed surgery but because i was going to have my 3 week south island trip that sunday with all the exchange students. I've been looking forward to that trip since the moment i read about it. The doctors were really understanding and told me they'd try their best to get me fixed as soon as possible. No food from then on. So being starved and bored all day on that hospital bed, this time 2 beds in one room, they eventually told i wouldn't have my surgery that night. Gutted i ate my yucki dinner and spend the night. The morning after i was up early but around 6 i heard i was going to have my surgery. Honestly i had never been so happy! Because this surgery was more intense than my other one i was told to have a shower with special soap or something. Which I did and after that I got these special socks that were so tight pfew! And of course my hospital dress. They told me it was going to be around 1-2 hours. I went into theatre around 19.30 and when I woke up in the recovery room it was 23:30! It took them 4 hours woah. Well after I just went back to my room and to sleep. I had X-rays in the morning, only to tell me that afternoon that I needed another surgery. They tried to make a small cut but that made it harder. So Saturday I had my second surgery. Again it took 4 hours and this time they made two incisions. I had my X-rays and spend the whole day in bed doing nothing again. But of course as if nothing could get worse Sunday morning they told me my jaw was still dislocated and they wanted to give it another try. By then I new perfectly well how everything went. Shower, wait, anestethics, sign all these papers, be put to sleep and wake up. I quite liked the feeling when they put you asleep though it makes you feel all weird and funny haha. The different doctors recognized me in the hallways and looked at me saying ‘again???’. Yes again. This surgery took 4 hours again and when I woke up I felt good, like it was finally in it’s place. My host dad, Marc, had to work that day in that hospital and popped in during my surgery! If he’d done that earlier who knows it would’ve been right the first time. Anyways, when I woke up in the recovery room I didn’t feel as clean as before. My hair was sticky and messy so I decided to take my hair tie out. Not only did my hair tie come out also a big chunk of hair!!! I screamed: “OMG” and threw it away. The nurse said: “calm down, they just shaved a bit off” “WHAT, THEY SHAVED ME? WHAT WHY OMG IM BALD”. That continued for a good 10 minutes until I accepted the fact that I’d go through life with a bald patch above my ear. My nurse just started laughing, it was not funny and it still isn’t. My host dad enjoys making jokes about it “Oh Ana, do your hair different your bald patch is showing”. I can laugh about it now. It’s not that bad and as everybody is saying “it’ll grow back”. Yes after 10 years. I have two metal plates screwed into my jaw, 2 screws in my gums with the worlds tightest elastics and 7 other screws somewhere in my jaw. I don't think they ever come out except for the ones in my gums. I'll have a good time going through airports.

After a week I’m home and i look more Chinese than whatever. I showed a picture to my friends and I hear things as “you look so squeezable” and “you’re like a chubby Chinese cupcake!”. I’ve looked on the internet how to reduce the swelling but I think it’s time. Cucumbers and ice packs it is. Today it’s slighty better though, I can finally see everything from both sides. My jaw is not too sore but I just keep taking medication every now and then. I have stitches from the top of my ear until my bottom jaw and a little one on my cheek. After 4 weeks of liquid food I can start over again with another 6 weeks. My friends and family have sent me some Dutch goodies like hagelslag and kruidnoten so I have something to look forward to.

As I said my south island trip started last Sunday, almost a week ago, and the plan is that I’ll join them this Sunday in Queenstown. But they’re doing a 4 day tramp Tuesday which I’m not allowed to do so yay me I’ll be staying somewhere else waiting for them and have the last few days of the trip. Words can’t explain how sad and mad this makes me because theres now way to change it or redo this trip and honestly ive been looking forward to it for so long… Don’t’ try to cheer me up because you wont haha. See you in a few weeks I guess bye bye.
By the way it’s end November and I’m sweating like a pig, it’s so so hot.

  • 22 November 2013 - 00:47

    Tia Mausi:

    Hola, Ana !! Estaba a punto de apagar la compu cuando.... sorpresa.... nuevo blog de Ana, tras todas estas operaciones...!! Bravo !!!

    En primer lugar, Ana querida, mi Gracias a Dios porque si que estuvo seriecito tu accidente y sus consecuencias.... y saliste de ello viva, con una mente muy fuerte y positiva..... felicidades !!

    En segundo lugar, que gran bendicion que hayas "caido" en esa familia, porque te han cuidado de verdad como su hija y todos los estamos eterna y sinceramente agradecidos por ello.

    En tercer lugar....pues si.... que friega el haber pasado tanto tiempo en hospitales, y dieta liquida, con un hoyito en tu cabeza (digo, parchecito calvo....), pero asi te sentiras aun mas identificada con tus familiares: con papi por lo calvito, conmigo por lo china.....

    Y, no cabe duda que tu accidente y tus operaciones no te afectaron tu precioso cerebro: creo que ahora escribes hasta mejor que antes....como me hiciste reir.... con razon tu enfermera se moria de la risa.... ahora ves que no soy yo la unica a la que le dan ataques de risa, eh???

    Y ahora, a cuidarte, y en especial tus deditos: como dice papi..."Ya no veo la hora" de que vuelvas a escribirnos todas tus aventuras.... :0

    Besos !!

  • 22 November 2013 - 11:10


    dearest Ana,

    Like you said, I wouldn't dare to try cheering you up...It really sucks! Just hope you can enjoy the remaining days with the group and try to forget the pain and troubles of the last week. Have fun and take care. The hair will grow- that s hould be the least of your worries. Wear a hair band/scarf. Remove it all- that way the patch will be gone :-).


  • 22 November 2013 - 20:33

    Omita Y Opita:

    Muy querida nietecita: qué bueno que ya tenemos noticias directas tuyas y sobre todo, que en ningún momento hayas olvidado el buen humor, característico de tus "blogs" anteriores. Cuídate mucho en el viaje con tus compañeros y trata de grabar tus experiencias y que las nuevas vivencias contribuyan a seguir moldeando la fortaleza de tu carácter. Esto, sin duda, te será muy útil el resto de tu vida. Te queremos siempre y estamos orgullosos de tí y de tus padres. Ah Chinchín!, te acuerdas?. Papi Javier .
    Mi niña querida: cuanto anhelábamos recibir nuevamente tus comentarios, aunque , particularmente yo , no soy tan fuerte y por ello mi pensamiento y sentimiento se unían en una invocación por tu recuperación. De cualquier forma, habrás de tomar todas las precauciones posibles hasta que tu estado se normalice. Tu salud es lo que deseamos y Dios Mediante así habrá de ser. Lo importante es que no desesperes pues toda acción demanda del maravilloso tiempo. Por ahora te envío, una y mil veces más, mi amor y votos por tu recuperación. Oportunidades no te habrán de faltar para satisfacer tus anhelos los que , sin duda , se multiplicarán para beneplácito de todos los que tanto te queremos. Para tí todo mi mcariño. Tu abuelita:

  • 23 November 2013 - 05:26


    Mi querida nena: es increíble el gozo que siento al leer tus palabras. Mira que eres fuerte y que tienes un sentido del humor que es tu bendición.
    Como dice mami, ello te servirá el resto de tu vida.
    Claro que entiendo tu preocupación por las consecuencias estéticas de esta serie de operaciones pero quien desee conocerte sabrá que cada cicatriz es una indicación de tu gran fortaleza mental y física. Todo lo que has superado y con tan ejemplar actitud!
    Deseo que goces de estos días de viaje con el grupo. Gracias por tu ejemplo de optimismo y buen humor. Gracias por las lecciones en aceptación y entereza. Con cariño y agradecimiento. Mummin.

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Ana Laura

My name is Ana Laura I am 19 years old and I use this blog to keep my friends and family updated on my most recent trips. Also I love to write and share my thoughts and experiences withe everyone who wants to hear them. My biggest passion is travelling which is why I look for all the opportunities I have to do so. I am half Dutch and half Mexican but secretly I don't feel like I strongly belong to any of those countries. More like a citizen of the world kinda thing! Enjoy!

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